Feedback on New Name Choices
UV Flashligths!

9-LED 385nm AAA
21-LED 385nm AAA
21-LED 395nm AAA
More information...
Thank You To All Who Have Suggested Names
We would like to start by thanking all of our customers who have sent us suggestions for our new name. We have received many great, interesting, and unique suggestions from our customers and friends in response to our first mailing. Many of the names suggested, how ever, were already taken, so, if you don't see your suggestion on our final list below, that is probably why.
Tell Us What You Think Of These Names
OK... Drum roll... Here are the runner-ups! |
AmberDei |
Blinkology |
BoreAlume |
e-lumen-essence |
FlashingPanda |
Lumidi |
LumiTerra |
LifeoLights |
Lightomus |
Luminomus |
Luminidy |
Lumology |
LuminOpt |
LightsOnMart |
LumenCity |
YAYlights |
Flashlight Humor
Now, here's a little flashlight humor to cheer you up!
Two blondes were on a rooftop fixing their roof. A big hurricane came over them, and blew their ladder down. The first blonde said, "I have an idea, how about you go jump down from the roof and put the ladder up for me!" The second blonde immediately rejected the offer and said, "No way! I ain't that stupid!" So the first blonde made another suggestion. "Why don't I just shine this flashlight down there, and you'll climb down that beam of light!" The second blonde immediately rejected the idea, saying, "I'm not that stupid, i'll be halfway down, and you'll turn the flashlight off!"