Hot New Products at Flashing Panda

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New Items Added
This month we have added five new products to the retail catalog, (see below,) and lots of offerings to the wholesale section. We've added two new feather headpieces, a pair of black bunny ears, just like our pink bunny ears, and a feather halo; two new puffer toys; and a new bracelet.
New Items
Coming Soon
We have over a dozen new items pending addition to our catalog, including: 3 new light bulbs; a shot glass; 5 amazing headwear pieces, including 3 amazing hats; a prismatic wand, producing the most breathtaking light effects; a light-up bubble gun; and more! Follow us on Facebook and Twitter and be the first to know when these get listed.
Follow Flashing Panda
on Social Media
A month ago we started to tweet! See the side-bar on the right for the latest tweets and be sure to click the link at bottom of the box to follow @FlashingPanda and be the first to hear any news, as well as communicate with us instantly. Become a fan of Flashing Panda on Facebook and post your cool photos, share your experiences, and be the first to know about new items and news.
Wholesale Lots
We have been adding more items to our Wholesale Lots section, with many more to coming. If you are looking to purchase items in bulk, whether for a party, corporate promotion, or for resale, you'll want to check this section out. Lots as small as one or two dozen units to a full case.
1 comment:
Nice blog thanks for possting
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